As Human Rights Days Draw To An End, Educate Yourself on 9 Employee Rights You Are Entitled To!
Articles Compensation & Benefits

As Human Rights Days Draw To An End, Educate Yourself on 9 Employee Rights You Are Entitled To!

Today was the Human Rights Day.   If you are moderately active on social media, particularly in the social awareness/justice...
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How to Make Your Organizational Culture More Knowledge-Friendly?
Articles Culture Learning & Development

How to Make Your Organizational Culture More Knowledge-Friendly?

“Knowledge itself is power” Sir Francis Bacon in Mediations Sacrae   An organization operates based on both individual and collective knowledge...
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How Competency Mapping Is Instrumental for Your Company
Articles Learning & Development

How Competency Mapping Is Instrumental for Your Company

Before we look for solutions for pre-existing issues, the problem itself has to be identified. Before we ask how we...
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To win the best candidate you need not one interview but a series of interviews
Articles Recruitment

To win the best candidate you need not one interview but a series of interviews

The resumes have piled up and innumerable candidates came and went through the revolving doors…… and yet the ideal candidate,...
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How To Identify Training Needs Of Workforce?
Articles Learning & Development

How To Identify Training Needs Of Workforce?

Capacity building has evolved into a major organizational priority in recent years. Acquiring and retaining talent has become a major...
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How Profitable is your Employee Training Course?
Articles Learning & Development

How Profitable is your Employee Training Course?

Everyone wants results. Results that are visible, quantifiable. Especially if a lot of time, effort, and money has been spent...
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How Can HR become an Impactful Business Partner?

How Can HR become an Impactful Business Partner?

One of the greatest ‘’glow-ups’’ in the corporate world has undoubtedly been the emergence of HR as a key player of...
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How Profitable is your Employee Training Course?

Everyone wants results. Results that are visible, quantifiable. Especially if a lot of time, effort, and money have been spent...
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How Can HR become a more Impactful Business Partner?
Articles Culture

How Can HR become a more Impactful Business Partner?

One of the greatest ‘’glow-ups’’ in the corporate world has undoubtedly been the emergence of HR as a key player of...
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Best LMS for online courses that changed corporate training

Best LMS for online courses that changed corporate training

Recruiting and retaining a talented workforce has become the main challenge for most HR leaders these days. As job roles...
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5 principles of measuring employee performance

5 principles of measuring employee performance

It’s a common saying we have all heard, ‘you are what you measure’. And if you are someone who has...
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Leadership is an attribute, not a skill

Leadership is an attribute, not a skill

There is a never-ending debate on this topic if a leader can be made over the years. To be very...
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10 things employees want most at work

10 things employees want most at work

What is it that your employees actually want from their workplace? How many organizations or people in managerial positions give...
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The dos and don’ts of online interviews

The dos and don’ts of online interviews

From the best training companies in India While most people are accustomed to traditional job interviews that take place in-person,...
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The biggest changes in employee training in 2021

The biggest changes in employee training in 2021

Change is the only constant. 2020, the year of unexpected and unprecedented changes due to the global pandemic has renewed...
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Santa Clause is coming to office!

Santa Clause is coming to office!

Dear Santa, It is that time of the year again. While the world is struggling to deal with a pandemic,...
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How do you identify the training needs of your employees- things to consider

How do you identify the training needs of your employees- things to consider

Training can be defined as a performance improvement tool. Providing employees with proper training is the backbone of the growth...
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The top 5 Learning Management Systems (LMS) in India

The top 5 Learning Management Systems (LMS) in India

With the constant digitization of almost every sphere of life today, Learning Management Systems or LMSs have become an integral...
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